
Tri Training Week 8: Over It

Weekly Mileage: 40.95 (12.65 Running, .9 Swimming, 31.4 Biking)

The honeymoon is SOOOO over.  Here is a list of things I'd rather be doing than an hour or two of exercise each day:

- Sleeping
- Spending time with my girlfriend
- Having dinner parties
- Cleaning my bathroom (for real)
- Playing with my cat
- Reading Bossypants
- Eating
- Buying new workout clothes

After my 60-minute 100 degree ride this evening, I was thinking in the shower (a very productive place to think) about whether or not I'm still enjoying this process.  The bottom line is, of course.  I love that I've set a goal and I'm trying to reach it.  I love that I'm getting exercise, feeling tough, and raising money in honor of two really incredible people.  But I'm exhausted!  I feel like the minute I'm done working out, all I have time to do is eat, pack my bag for the next day, and go to sleep.  And this was a rest and recovery week!

It's time for me to refocus on the lily pads.  I'm not ready for this triathlon right now.  I've got two months of preparation left for a reason.  I need to remember that I can meet this goal by taking it one workout at a time.  That's all.  It just kind of sucks that I've got TWO lily pads tomorrow...

As for the fundraising, I made $150 at my bake sale on Saturday (tough crowd wouldn't buy my damn cupcakes), and $60 at a happy hour hosted by Team In Training.  Coupled with a check I'll put in the mail tomorrow, I'm nearly half way to my goal!  But seriously...what was wrong with my cupcakes?


  1. You have no idea how many workout regimes never got past where you are right now. The "honeymoon is over" realization usually coincides with the "I really can't afford to spend this much time doing this" rationalization. I hope you can get past it and keep pushing forward. Good luck!

  2. Cupcakes are winter food I think is the reason
    that they didn't sell so well.
