Yesterday's run was a last-minute decision, since I was waiting all day for the thunderstorms that never came. Late in the afternoon, I decided that the bright blue sky and golden sun was a signal that there would not be tornadoes, and it was probably safe to venture outside. You must understand, however, that I did not eat like I was going for a run yesterday. I ate like I was going to spend the rest of the day inside comfortably digesting while reading a book. Needless to say, the run was not super fast or super long, it was just super obvious that I had a burrito baby the whole time.
Anyway, today's long awaited first bike ride (outside the parking lot) couldn't have gone better. After a flurry of rescheduling, Megan the bike tutor (not to be confused with EMT Megan or Hooker Megan...) met me at the corner of East-West Highway (no joke...it runs east and west) and Beach Drive, a gorgeous road that is closed to cars on the weekends and reserved for outdoor activities. We rode for about an hour and 20 minutes, did about 17 miles (estimate), I didn't fall off, we conquered some hills, and enjoyed the lovely weather.
And what did I learn? Well...
1. Though it feels like you're wearing a diaper in the store, and in the elevator, and in front of everyone, you are SO GLAD you bought those shorts with padding in the butt.
2. The guy at REI who tried to scare you about your fancy bike was just jealous. It's not hard to ride, in fact it's quite fun with its "Barca Lounger handlebars (Barinholtz, 2011)."
3. Bike riding uses different muscles from running, though your awesome calves that you developed running still look awesome when you're riding your bike. In fact, "The only reason I do any of this is to have awesome calves (O'Rourke, 2011)."
4. You should REALLY make sure you have water-bottle cages BEFORE your first bike ride with your crazy bike-riding friend. Because you will be thirsty.
5. Even though you used to make fun of shirts with pockets in the back (I mean seriously...POCKETS??? In the back??? Of a SHIRT???), you will probably go out this afternoon and buy a shirt with pockets in the back. Because where else are you supposed to put all the crap? Answer: Megan's shirt with pockets in the back.
So now I've conquered two of the three sports in my triathlon. Up next: Bathing suit shopping. I think I'll go this one alone...